

Some days ago I had to prepare a presentation for my Med Chem course. The topic was related to Cancer. As I always want to make my presentation more presentable, I add numerous pics (related/unrelated doesn't matter unless it looks good).

So there I was frustrated on the deadline and in no mood whatsoever to read some stupid research papers for my presentation. I was searching for gross pics related to cancer (trust me try searching for "Gross Cancer Pics" in google image search and you shall be amazed.) Suddenly I stumbled upon this awesome (or awful) looking creature. I just couldn't stop myself from finding more about it.

This actually is a piglet born in China. It has some sort of brain disorder which makes it look like a monkey.

Poor thing is like the old familiar UGLY DUCKLING of its family.

Well I hope some evolutionary marvel takes place for this piglet/monkey being so that it becomes like the SWAN which the UGLY DUCKLING turned into.

Any guesses what will happen to this awesome looking bugger!!


Adj said...

Is this for real ?

TH3 D@RK KN1GHT said...

Ya it is for real.
Check it out on google.